During our time together, you and your birth partner will cover many things including:

What will you be given?

At your Hypnobirthing class you will be given all the materials you need to continue your practice at home including:

o  The Hypnobirthing Book by Katharine Graves  (founder of KG Hypnobirthing)  
o  Course manual packed with information, self-hypnosis scripts and more
o  Downloadable audio recordings
o  Email support for any questions or concerns about pregnancy, labour, birth and breastfeeding

When to attend

Ideally it would be  good to  start any time from 20 weeks; most couples tend to attend between 25-30 weeks.  This will give you and your birth partner time to learn and practice how to use all the hypnobirthing techniques effectively for the best birth possible for you.  If you are over the 30 week stage, private one to one bespoke intensive sessions are available. Please contact me for more information and prices.




o  An explanation of  KG Hypnobirthing and why it works so well.
o  Physiology of pregnancy, labour and birth and what to expect during labour.
o   How to use KG Hypnobirthing within 'the system'.  
o  Opportunities to practice and experience simple but highly effective ways to help you relax, manage pain and to breathe baby down and out with ease as you journey confidently through your labour and birth, including breathing, deep relaxation, visualisation, meditation and self-hypnosis techniques.
o Self hypnosis where you as the one in control will learn to put yourself into an altered state of awareness during labour to enable you to remain relaxed and calm.
o  Fear release methods to release tension; boost confidence and trust in your body’s innate ability to give birth.
o  How the relationship between mind and body has a direct effect on labour and birth and the connection between fear and pain.
o  The options and procedures available and related implications which will enable you, in consultation with your medical team, to make the best informed decisions for you and your baby.
o  Optimal positions for labour and birth.
o  Massage techniques to help deepen relaxation
o  Creating a supportive birth environment
o  Practical ways your birth partner can support you.  

Course Format

KG Hypnobirthing Workshops - Group

The course is run over four consecutive weeks, one evening per week.

They are a great opportunity to meet other couples in the local area. 

In order to get the most our of your KG Hypnobirthing Course, workshops are limited to a maximum of 3 mothers and their respective birthing partners.  

Sessions are held  in Bickley, Bromley and cost £310 per couple.

Please see Course Timetable for dates and booking.


Online Private Sessions

Life can be busy and sometimes we can find it hard to fit in the things that we know will be helpful for us.

With this in mind, Birthways now offers 'BFW' and KG Hypnobirthing Antenatal Classes online.

Please contact us to find out more!



Private KG Hypnobirthing Sessions 

These sessions are arranged at dates and times that suit you and can take place at your home or mine. More customised sessions can be offered which will be tailored around your personal needs.

Private workshops cost from £450 per couple, depending on location.   It is also possible to arrange a private group session with a pregnant friend. 

Areas covered include Bromley and surrounding areas; Blackheath; Lee...